Chronicles of a Completely Unperfect Mom

February 22, 2010

This is going to suck!

Filed under: Quitting Smoking — Mom @ 11:58 am

Smoking seems to be a taboo topic if you’re a mom.  It feels like you’re the only mom who has this addiction and you can’t talk about it because other moms will judge you, won’t want to spend time with you, won’t want their kids to spend time with your kids, and will talk until they’re blue in the face about how evil smoking is.  For those who don’t smoke, yes, we already know about the evils of smoking! 

The time has come for me to quit.  I really want to do this without Chantix or any nicotine supplements which means the next 72 hours are going to suck big time!  That’s how long it will take to have a nicotine free body. I know there will be rough times beyond that, but once the body is free of nicotine, it slowly stops wanting more, and then it’s the mental addiction, the part that may never fully go away.

Thanks to sleeping and the morning routine, I’m starting this journey with almost 11 hours smoke-free under my belt.  I have a full pack of cigarettes sitting here, but I refuse to look at them.  They can taunt me all they want, but I will not open them!  Well, I already did take the cellophane off, but then I got away from them as quickly as possible. I’m NOT going to cave! 

Over the next few days there will likely be many disjointed, rambling posts.  I figure I’m going to blog my way through this so I can keep my fingers busy, and maybe, just maybe, there will be a morsel of clarity that I can come back and read and get through the tough times.

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